On July 2nd, we packed up the new car and headed on a long trip to Idaho to celebrate the 4th of July and Shelby's 7th birthday with my family. Destry Jr did really good on the trip (even better

than we hoped for). We left on Wednesday at about 4:00 and drove about 5 hours to Coeur d'Alene, ID. He did really good and even got his own queen size bed for the night. The next day was a long one. It took us 9 hours to get to Idaho Falls and he was a bit cranky by the end. For about 2-3 days afterward, he would throw a fit when ever we tried to put him in his car seat. I guess he was

sick of it. Everyone was very excited to see Destry Jr, especially Grandma and Shelby. It was the first time Shelby and Dustin had seen him. On the 4th of July, we went to a Minor League baseball game. The Chukars lost but we had a great time, plus, it was Destry Jr's first baseball game. After the game we walked a few blocks to the Snake River to watch the fireworks. Tiff said it was probably the best she has ever seen. I would have to agree, Idaho Falls has one of the best fireworks

shows ever! Destry Jr slept through the entire thing. It lasted over 30 minutes and was very LOUD. How he can sleep though that but wakes up every time I try to leave the room and my ankles pop I'll never know. On Friday the 11th, we celebrated Shelby's

birthday. She and 5 friends went to Bear Buddies to build teddy bears. They all got to choose their animals and fill them. Then they got to decorate a t-shirt for their animal. Next they went next door to get their nails painted while the shirts dried. After that, they came back to dress their animals and open presents. All of the girls had a great time. We even made a baseball bear for Destry Jr. We spent the rest of the time hanging out with family, relaxing, playing

Wii, getting portraits taken (twice), shopping, and just having a great time. On Saturday, we left around noon. It was sad to leave family, plus our vacation was ending and Tiff ends her maternity leave. We drove about 9 hours on Saturday. We had planned on stating in Post Falls but the hotel was booked. About that time Destry Jr had had enough. We then went to a few more and called several others before we found a place open. He slept good that night and the next day was a short 5 hours. About 20 minutes from home he had had enough again. I had to go back to work the next day and Tiff started back today. It was a great vacation and we really enjoyed the chance to spend time with my family.