
Kiss Me I'm Irish

Destry celebrated St. Patrick's Day by donning his finest green duds and doing what he does everyday, run around the house. Hope you all had a great St Paddy's Day and didn't get pinched.


Your Next...American Idol!

Several weeks ago, Destry started puting cups up to his mouth and making noises. I think he likes the echo it makes. It's really funny to watch him. A few week ago we gave him a toy microphone that makes your voice echo when you talk into it. He can be pretty entertaining when he starts to "sing". Here are some photos of our Rock Star!

Destry singing.

Hitting the high note.
A duet with mom.

Future American Idol?


Football Practice

I know that football season has been over for a while now, but it's never too early to start practicing for next year. Destry likes to spend the evenings before bed practicing his moves.



I finally got a shot of Destry's four new top teeth. You can see the middle two easily and if you look real close, you can see the new ones poking through on each side of them.


Two Days, Two More Teeth

In addition to number 5 yesterday, Destry got tooth number 6 today. He is getting quite a set of chompers!


Another Tooth

Destry got tooth number 5 today. It the second top right one. He is also walking like crazy now.


Long Time No Post

It has been some time now since I last posted. Sorry, but I do have an excuse. I have had a cold for two weeks now plus I had the stomach flu this past weekend so I haven't really felt like doing anything. Sad thing is a lot has happened over the past few weeks. Tiff, my mother, Brian and Nonna all had birthdays, Destry has been walking like crazy and got a new tooth (#4), he was also sick for several days, Tiff was sick, and of course, I was sick. Sorry I don't have too many photos from the past two weeks but here are some highlights.

Destry got a present from Nonna on Valentine's Day

Reading Nonna's Valentine.

Destry loves his present.

Cuddling with dad while he was sick and cutting teeth.

Destry walking.

Hanging out with Grandpa J.

Hanging out with Scott and Whitney.