I finally updated the photo album for August. I have been slacking lately, sorry. Little Destry has become quite the chatterbox lately and has really started saying words. He seems to pick up a new word or two everyday. He of course says mama and dada (which actually can mean either me or ball, not sure why). He also says night-night, Elmo, baby, puppy, bubble, grandpa and many others. This weekend at the cabin, he started saying ducky when we were feeding the ducks. He can also tell you that a dog says woof-woof. His new thing now is to honk noses, he thinks it's a riot. He loves going to the cabin and Broho where he can run around, swing and slide. He could swing for hours if we let him. Speaking of running, he never walks, he always runs. He is like Forest Gump, if he is going somewhere, he is running! The last week or so he has really enjoyed reading books. He will bring you a book and shoves it in your face until you read it to him. Before you finish the book (and he knows when it is getting to the end) he is already reaching for another. Sometimes he just wants you to read the same book over and over (and over and over).
Exploring at the cabin.
Feeding the ducks.
Reading with mama.
Reading with grandpa.