Destry's Dr. appointment was today and it went great. Officially he's 17 lbs 6 oz (50%), and 27 1/8
th (76%) inches long.
Destry and I are wondering how is it that two shorties have a kid in the 76
th percentile for height? We'll see how long it lasts!
Little D had so much fun waiting in the room ripping up the paper and looking in the mirror. He was having so much fun he fell forward and hit his head and got his first of many bumps on his head. It turned red and left a little mark, but before going to bed we could barely see it. Dr.
Sliman said he is growing perfectly and is right on in his development. He's sitting up, cut his first tooth, grabbing his toys, learning to use a
sippy cup, getting close to crawling and "scooting" around the room. We have a busy boy on our hands.
Our next adventure is trying new foods. After the Dr's appointment we went shopping and got some sweet potato and squash for him to try this weekend. We hope he likes it as much as he loves his rice cereal and oatmeal.