
Tooth Number Four

Destry got his fourth tooth today. He now has the two bottom and two top teeth.


Walk This Way!

Destry is walking. He's not walking all over the place yet but he is taking several steps at a time now. He walked a little bit on Friday but wasn't feeling good that night and Saturday due to a stuffed nose and incoming teeth (#3 came in last week and #4 is on the way). He was feeling much better today and was pretty much his normal self. Just before bed we tried to get him to walk again. After a few tries, he took 6-7 steps. We even got it on video. Check out Destry walking.


Starting to Walk!

On Friday afternoon Destry took 3 steps! My mom, Destry and I were in a Weight Watchers meeting (yes the meeting had started) and he was playing with my mom. He let go of my mom and took 3 steps to get to me. It was so exciting, the meeting leader and a few other members saw him do it. He earned a silver star and claps from the room!

Unfortunately, today he isn't feeling well so he hasn't done any more walking. He cut his 3rd tooth about a week ago, and today we think he's cutting his 4th because he's had a little fever and has been really cuddly.


Our Little Helper

Destry loves to help Mama and Grandma. Lately he wants to help out when I do laundry and the dishes. Here are a few pictures of him helping out!

Helping Mama with the dishes

Pulling out the tray

Pulling clothes out of the dryer!

Playing in the clothes hamper!

Helping Grandma with laundry.

Oops! He dropped something on the floor.

Getting into the dishwasher at Grandma's house

Helping Grandma with the dishes


Gallery Update

I have been a bit behind with adding to the gallery. Plus, I haven't added pictures from Tiff's camera since late December. So, I have added a few new pictures to December's album, finished January's album and started February's album. We are now up to date.


So Close

Destry has been doing a lot of standing and is so close to walking. Friday night Destry (big) saw him take his first step. Unfortunately, I missed it because I was at Bunko with my Jazzercise friends, but I got to see him take a step yesterday, and today.

He's not a huge fan of standing on his own unless he has something to distract him. If he has something in his hands, especially a cell phone, ball, or the remote control, he can stand for 60+ seconds.
So proud to be standing on his own.
Almost falling over...


While loading the pictures, Big Destry saw him take 2 steps! Yeah!