
Is it Possible to Pre-register for the ER?

Because I am sure we are going to be there soon. At 16 months most kids are just getting used to walking, maybe starting to run. Our kid, he likes to jump off things. We have always been there to catch him when he jumps off something high. Last week he did it without us there to catch him. And now his new favorite thing to do is jumping off the couch. He thinks it is the funniest thing ever! He climbs up on the couch and walks right up to the edge and gets a huge grin on his face. Then he steps out and jumps. He eats it right into the ground every time. Does he cry? Nope, he gets up laughing and jumps up to the couch to do it again. When you see a post titled "Broken Leg" or "How I Spent Four Hours Last Night", you will know it is the next chapter to this post. We don't have any pictures yet, I just don't my answer to the question "where were you when he jumped and hurt himself" to be "taking a picture of it".

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